As a sex cam model, you will meet people from all walks of life. You will meet many nice and kind people, but you will also meet some who are rude, demanding, and difficult. Sex cam girls are really fun, but still, dealing with difficult users can be very exhausting. Sex Cam Girls The most common type of user you will see is the sex cam girl. They are there for a free show and are not going to spend a dime. Often they have a sorry excuse as to why they can’t pay and expect you to give them something for free to make them feel better. These are sophisticated sex cam girls. In such situations, gently let them know that demanding behavior is not tolerated by anyone and that they can see how much things cost by looking at the tip list. Letporno them know that they can do whatever they want as long as they pay the tip. Some users will keep asking you to watch something without paying. At this point, just mute them so they can’t interrupt the show. Letporno will harass others in the hopes of having more success there. Sex Cam Girls As annoying and frustrating as sex cam girls are, sex cam girls are even worse. They are there to cause a ruckus, try to bring you down, or harass you. If someone just walks by and immediately becomes mean or rude or leaves nasty comments, mute or block them. Don’t reply or acknowledge them. They are looking for a reaction and want to provoke you. If you comply, they will probably come back again and again and even create another account to harass you. That’s why it’s best to just ignore them completely and not spend your energy on confronting them. If you feel like the same person is coming to harass you over and over, keep blocking them, take note of their username, and Letporno the site know what’s going on. Sex Cam Girls or Demanding Paying Customers However, if you have a sex cam girl or a demanding paying customer, things can get confusing. Just because someone paid you doesn’t mean they have a free pass to treat you that way. Imagine someone gave you a tip, but now they try to control your show or tell you what to do. What should you do? You can send this person a private message and let them know that you don’t like their behavior. She may respond or just get angry. If this continues, talk to them about it and let them know that you will not tolerate this behavior from anyone, regardless of the amount of the tip. If they still don’t stop, let them know that you are going to block them because they don’t respect you. I recommend taking photos or screenshots of these interactions in case they try to visit the site and complain that they were harassed after giving you a tip. That way you will have evidence of the interactions and warnings given. The vast majority of people you will meet on camera will be friendly and respectful towards you. These are the people you should put your energy into. They are usually the ones who will make your time in front of the camera more enjoyable. The ones that are just there to make you a porn sex cam girl or are demanding are just not worth your time. Mute or block them and go about your day! You don’t want to give in to them and ruin the atmosphere in the room with them.