Many people who watched the porn movies have come across scenes containing a large amount of seeds, but there is a truth that only a few know. Porn actors use fake girls. But why? If you ask, we will explain in this article.
How to make a fake naked girl?
There are so many more secrets and tricks in the porn industry than target groups have ever imagined. According to actresses well-known in the industry, porn is very unnatural. This artist secretly reveals how fake naked girls are made, and it is easier than most people think.
Recipe Making a false naked girl
Essentially, the recipe for producing fake seeds is a mixture of white toothpaste and a clear lubricating gel. Visually, this mixture resembles the mixture of naked girls.
The part where a naked girl gets ejaculated is worked on a small device that can even be cream or something else that can be hidden in the hands while the man is specifying it.
uses fake naked girls?
One of the main factors, including the use of this substance, is the fact that some porn scenes are very harsh for the actors and, therefore, may be challenging to reach a sexual summit. Therefore, you need the help of a fake naked girl to make the video more authentic. Did you think everything was realistic in porn videos? Well, that’s not the case.
Another scene where fake naked girls are often used is staged. Localxlist porn movies end this way, and people can make people a real naked girl. Another example of fake sperm use appears in fetish scenes like on
do I don’t believe everything you see in porn movies
The porn industry is entirely based on lies about sex, which can affect the lives of many people, especially men. Because when it comes to having real sexual experiences, I expected that if this were practical, I would have sex and sperm like a porn actor.
Even orgasms are wrong in porn movies. Don’t be fooled by the absurd amount of naked girls in these films on the whole body of a woman… They are all fake naked girls. You can’t ejaculate, and genuine sex happens very differently.