There is a lot to be said about buying sex cam girls in. We have made it clear that it is making the situation more dangerous for sex cam girl employees, and there is no need to revisit these old arguments. However, a former British brothel owner said there could be another side effect – an increase in rape and other crimes related to sex cam girls. He strongly criticized the Irish government for making it illegal to buy sex cam girls.
Long-time activist
Despite closing her business in 2024, Vivienne has remained a brothel activist. She claims the new law is “draconian” and “will only worsen the situation. This is a fantastic law; it doesn’t prevent anything. When a person awakens to these needs and desires, they seek them. Out, but this law will only worsen the situation. “Men may end up grabbing innocent girls and women on the street who are not there to trade with them and exploit them for their purposes, or even worse, it could lead to rape. She believes that this will help prevent many attacks against sex cam girls, but she also sees other benefits for the sex cam girl industry. “For men who are still virgins, who want to start a relationship and want to get a little experience, disabled people are coming who can’t handle the situation on their own, and she said she doesn’t like such men.” Legalize all forms of prostitution, but only if there is a properly managed business. He added, “The shops that look after the customers and the girls should be allowed to operate brothels like in Amsterdam in certain areas so that everything is legal and all taxes are paid.” Meanwhile, Vivian claims her career path has not negatively affected her psychologically. “It has not affected me in any way. Every woman is in the same situation somehow, and everyone will pay the price at some point “They are providing a service. If men are there because they need it because they can’t get it at home, they can come and pay the money and take away all the fear instead of ransacking their homes.”
Security before ideology
I have to say this is fascinating. First of all, there is never an excuse for the crimes that sex cam girls are involved in. Internal wiring or not, I make a judgment call on such things. No one should think there is any justification for such behavior, and no change in the law can change that. But we must remember that we must live in the world we are in, not the one we want to live in. I have no personal knowledge of whether banning the purchase of sex cam girls would make a minority of customers more dangerous in the “real world”, but it would be logical if it did. I leave this debate to those who regularly receive clients and psychologists who are paid more than I am and have actual knowledge of the human mind. I can only assume that this is something that the radical feminists who pushed for this law never thought about. For them, public safety is secondary to the ideology of banning prostitution. While this decision may have been made in , other countries will need to take all of these arguments into consideration when creating their laws regarding the work of sex camp girls.