Sexual love and you can’t even look at your partner without mentally stripping down and jumping on their bones as soon as sexual love arises. But then again, in other cases, when the opportunity presents itself, it’s ignored as sexual love. But other times, you may really want it, but at the same time, you don’t want it. Well, I’m here to tell you that you’re not alone.
Some, yes, it may sound wild, but it can be sexual love
I’ve faced these kinds of problems throughout my active and romantic sex life. It’s almost like a little particle in your head pushing all the wrong buttons at the most inopportune times. And that can ruin the mood sometimes, especially if you’ve gone through all the moves to imply that you’re ready to do it, but suddenly everything disappears, and your partner is very confused.
Dasher sexual Need to Speak Together
I’ve had partners in the past who I had never believed these feelings because they never were! If they don’t know how you feel or what you want, then you’ll never be satisfied or happy with your sexual love with them, and it can be the other way around; how do you know what they want if they don’t communicate? When I met my current partner, sexual love was like any relationship at the beginning; sometimes, you want to run like rabbits, but it doesn’t last forever. And if you’re like me, that period is even shorter. So, of course, we went through that phase, but we still went very far; it never stopped, and for some reason, this sexual love came to me, especially because it was very rarely about sexual love as it was. Of course, since we moved in together, my sexual desire has returned to normal, but I naturally have a high sex drive. Here, communication began where it had never been before. All I wanted was what I liked and what made him finish; I wanted to know exactly what I wanted, where, and how long I wanted it! I was amazed no pun intended.
Don’t be ashamed to express your sexual needs with love
I had never met a man; sexual love was determined to satisfy me. At this point, I started to open up to him about what I wanted, but I was still too shy to tell him what I thought was wrong for me because I thought it might affect our relationship and how he saw me.